Monday, August 26, 2013

Base Training: 08/19 - 08/25

M: 5M
9:39, 8:52, 8:58, 8:56, 8:48 - Trying to stay slow
890v2: 90M

T: 5M
Noon - 9:07, 8:27, 7:45, 7:46, 8:43
890v3: 333M

W: 6M
9:29, 8:50, 8:59, 8:48, 8:48, 8:53890v2: 96M
Th: 10M
9:32, 8:53, 8:40, 8:37, 8:20, 8:41, 8:16, 8:30, 8:47, 8:49890v2: 106M
Sick, Tired,Travel.

S: 5M
Noon - 9:23, 8:51, 8:45, 5:39 (0.64M), 8:16, 2:45 (0.35M) - Messed up the splits.890v2: 111M
Su: Off
Same as Friday.

Week: 31M

I had been feeling something coming on for awhile. I think running at noon two times this week pushed me over the edge. It was easily 100*+ for both runs. I ended up getting a sore throat Wednesday and nearly lost my voice Sunday. I am feeling a lot better today and will get back to my building mileage this week. I'm just going to consider this a down week before the 4-week push you mentioned last week.

Hope all is well with you.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Base Training: 08/12 - 08/18

M: 7M
9:15, 8:51, 8:51, 8:32, 8:13, 7:45, 8:33
890v2: 76M

T: 5M
9:18, 8:24, 8:15 (stopped to talk to some friends over beers) - This next bit got screwed up because I hit the Lap button on accident so I'll just give the times with distances - 0:44 (0.15M), 7:07 (1M), 6:04 (0.86M) - Not sure why I ran so fast going home but it felt good.
890v2: 81M

W: OFF - Social stuff

Th: 10M
AM - 9:52, 8:56, 8:39, 8:23, 7:39
Connect 1: 183M

PM - 9:17, 8:48, 8:18, 8:00, 7:21
890v3: 319M

8:55, 8:31, 8:29, 8:19
890v3: 323M

S: 4M
9:15, 8:37, 8:42, 8:26
890v2: 85M

Su: 10M
AM - 8:05, 8:28, 8:35, 8:10, 8:11 - First mile came up short.
MT110: 59M

PM - 8:35, 9:08, 9:05, 9:00, 8:58 - Same as this morning with the first mile but it was a little closer to the right distance.
890v3: 328M

Week: 40M

I figured out it was my Peroneal Tendon that was bothering me. I did a lot of heat, calf raises, and light stretching  all week. Over the week it calmed down significantly, but I have a little Achilles soreness which I am going to attribute to the increase in miles. Overall I feel good, but I am going to add the band walks just to be safe.

I hope everything is good on your end.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Base Training: 08/05 - 08/11

M: 2M
9:15, 8:35 - Tired and sore from Sunday. Left ankle is tight.
890v2: 55M

T: 8M
Noon: 9:07, 8:12, 8:12, 8:19

PM: 9:15, 8:31, 8:26, 8:32 - Left posterior tibial tendon and Achilles are sore. Ice, heat, and massage day and night.
890v2: 63M

W: OFF - Posterior tibial tendon and Achilles. Ice, heat, and massage.

Th: 20M Bike
3:25, 3:23, 3:31, 3:34, 3:13, 3:03, 3:32, 3:30, 3:34, 3:38, 3:33, 3:32, 3:32, 3:58, 3:31, 3:21, 3:28, 3:02, 3:14, 3:34 - Ice, heat, and massage. Felt a lot better after the ride.

F: 6M
9:19, 8:54, 8:49, 8:32, 8:32, 8:25 -  Heat and massage. Feeling better but still very tight in the AM.
890v2: 69M

S: 3.5M + 12M Bike
AM: 9:35, 9:22, 9:06, 4:19 - With a friend. Feel pretty good. Heat and massage.
890v3: 314:

PM: 3:52, 3:46, 3:57, 3:30, 3:10, 3:03, 3:28, 3:26, 2:48, 3:03, 3:57, 3:37

Su: OFF -  Heat and massage.

Week: 19.5M + 32M Bike

I needed a down week anyway. This morning everything is at 95%. I'm going to continue with the heat and massage. The PTT had been bothering me on and off for awhile, but was never an issue until after that last trail run. I could feel the terrain jamming my left ankle the whole way...

Also, my company (I finally got converted from a consultant to an employee) is having a 5K September 21 that I want to run as a tune up for December 7.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Base Training: 07/28 - 08/04

M: 5M
9:13, 8:25, 8:30, 8:11, 8:09
890v2: 42M

T: 5M
9:00, 8:24, 8:48, 8:19, 8:07
890v2: 47M


Th: 9M
Noon: 8:53, 8:06, 7:57, 7:33, 8:00
MT110: 46M

PM: 9:11, 8:45, 8:50, 8:29
890v2: 51M

F: 4M + 4 x 200m
9:18, 8:48
4 x 200m @ 0:35.00 - 0:32.93 (0.113M), 0:35.41 (0.118), 0:34.85 (0.113), 0:32.14 (0.116) These were all a little sort. 2 and 3 were into the wind.
9:20, 9:06
Connect 1: 178M

S: 2M
8:54, 8:48 - Tired
890v2: 53M

Su: 8M
7:04, 9:07, 8:46, 8:56, 9:16, 9:15, 9:20, 10:18 - The trail was soaked for 3-6 and 8 so my times are slow because I had to stop and go around a lot of large puddles. I died at the end and walked a little during 8 too because that section is uphill most of the way (probably why 1 was so fast). I always forget how harsh trail runs are. With all the rain a brisk run in a swamp is not so much fun. Ticks, mosquitoes, deer flies, and horse flies...and running with mud-filled, wet shoes and no socks...I may have to keep my trails runs on hold for awhile longer.
MT110: 54M

Week: 33M

I would have preferred to run all 7 days and get my miles closer to 40 but I had some friends to visit Wednesday.

Overall I feel really good. Maybe a little tired, but good.