Monday, April 29, 2013

Base Training: 04/22 - 04/28

M: 5M
9:22, 8:50, 8:54, 8:35, 8:29
Calf Raises
MR10 (W): 179M


W: 7M
2.55M - 9:02, 8:33, 4:45
4.45M - 8:30, 8:24, 8:13, 8:06, 3:42
Calf Raises
890v3: 123M

Th: 10M
AM: 5M - 9:53, 9:02, 8:50, 8:22, 8:05
Calf Raises
MR10 (B): 249M
PM: 5M - 8:50, 8:23, 8:32, 7:45, 7:53
Calf Raises
890v3: 128M

F: 8M
9:28, 9:03, 8:55, 8:25, 8:19, 8:39, 8:35, 8:29
Calf Raises
MR10 (W): 187M

S: 10M
AM: 3M - 9:48, 8:55, 8:57
Calf Raises
PM: 7M - 9:36, 8:54, 8:40, 8:30, 8:25, 8:42, 9:00
Calf Raises

Su: 1M
Calf Raises
MR10 (W): 188M


I'm happy doing 40M in 5 days instead of 6-7 like usual. I think hitting 50M consistently now will be easy. I have been a little worried about the heat, but I've been running at night a little later than I normally want and it's been working well. It's still hot, but at least I'm waiting for the sun to go down.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Base Training: 04/15 - 04/21

M: 9M
AM: 3M - 9:40, 8:45, 8:35

PM: 6M - 8:56, 8:25, 8:13, 8:13, 8:13, 8:15
890v3: 100M

T: 5M
9:16, 9:38, 8:10, 8:00, 8:06
MR10 (W): 174M

W: 7M
9:03, 8:23, 8:17, 8:20, 8:20, 8:13, 8:24
890v2: 308M

Th: 5K
8:11, 7:58, 7:22, 0.54 for 3.14
1400: ?

F: 6M
9:16, 8:49, 8:17, 8:20, 8:01, 8:10
890v3: 106M


Su: 10M
8:53, 8:19, 8:22, 8:05, 8:03, 8:02, 7:52, 7:59, 8:00, 7:45
890v3: 116M

Week: 40M

Monday, April 15, 2013

Base Training: 04/08 - 04/14

M: 6M
8:49, 8:15, 7:59, 7:54, 7:30, 8:08 + 6 x 100m strides
890v3: 70M

T: 9M
8:56, 8:36, 8:27, 8:17, 8:05, 8:12, 8:02, 8:29, 8:52 - HOT.
890v3: 79M

W: 3M
8:57, 8:49, 8:45 - HOT. Tired from yesterday.
MR10 (W): 169M

Th: 5M
9:07, 8:24, 8:01, 8:07, 8:08
890v3: 84M

F: 3M
8:53, 8:42, 8:46 - HOT
890v3: 87M


Su: 4M
7:31, 8:35, 8:55, 8:22 - Not sure what happened with that first mile. My GPS beeped way too early. Mile 3 I stopped a couple times to look at a pond.
890v3: 91M

Week: 30M

I have come to terms with the fact that summer is back and it's going to be hot and wet and rainy regularly. There's no way I'm going to be able to do any real speed work in the evenings so I think I'm going to have to bag any serious races for a few months.

I'm going to just focus on building a new base and bringing up my mileage. Those two weeks at 50 miles initially seemed like a lot of miles since I've aimed for that before and only achieved it one time. But after running it and taking a small break I want to use that as a new normal. I've been trying to get into AM runs and it's been hard since the weather has been cool until recently. I think the heat is the impetus I need.

Anyway, I hope everything with you is going well and want to say "Thanks!" for all your continued coaching. I want you to know that I appreciate everything you have done to help me.

Monday, April 8, 2013

5K Training - 04/01 - 04/05


T: 8M
AM: 2.43M 9:55, 9:10, 3:58 - With coworker.

PM: 5.57M 8:54, 8:35, 8:27, 8:23, 7:57, 4:38
Calf raises
890v3: 62M

W - S: OFF

Su: 2M
8:59, 8:30 + 6 strides
890v3: 64M

Week: 10

I though I needed to take a little time to absorb the last two weeks of running. I did a little fly fishing during the week and went to Gainesville for the weekend to watch the Friday distance races at the Florida Relays. An LRC poster from Orlando ran the 5K as a tune-up for Boston so it was cool to know someone in the race and for him to get a PR.

Monday, April 1, 2013

5K Training - 03/25 - 03/31

M: 7M
9:05, 8:09, 8:18, 8:03, 7:55, 7:31, 7:39
Calf raises
890v3: 30M

T: 3M
8:48, 8:02, 7:26
890v3: 33M

W: 7M
9:09, 8:43, 8:56, 8:25, 8:23, 8:30, 8:34
890v2: 301M

Th: 10M
AM: 4M
8:33, 7:50, 7:29, 7:37
Calf raises, 20 push ups, 100 sit ups

PM: 6M
9:07, 8:42, 8:54, 8:23, 8:22, 7:23
890v3: 43M

F: 6M
9:22, 8:46, 8:37, 8:31, 8:11, 8:24
Calf raises
890v3: 49M

S: 9M
AM: 4M
9:05, 8:27, 8:55 (trail), 8:22
MR10 (W): 166M

PM: 5M 8:31, 8:16, 8:03, 7:48, 8:15
890v3: 54M

Su: 8M
8:57, 8:58, 8:25, 8:12, 8:25, 8:41, 9:10, 9:19 - I forgot how much harder sandy trails are to run.
MT110: 41M

Week: 50M

This week was really good. I didn't get tired towards the end like last week. I'm going to start the  5K maintenance plan this week.