M: 8M
9:12, 8:43, 8:39, 8:06, 8:08, 8:03, 8:16, 7:48
MR10 (B): 244M
T: 8M
Noon: 2M - 9:44, 9:17 - Run with coworker
MR10 (W) 161M
PM: 6M - 8:44, 8:10, 8:04, 7:41, 7:55, 8:04
Connect 1: 169M
W: 6M
8:56, 8:23, 8:16, 8:14, 8:13, 7:54
890v3: 6M
Th: 10M
8:45, 8:38, 8:37, 8:32, 8:27, 8:17, 8:23, 8:19, 8:02, 8:13
890v3: 16M
F: 4M
8:56, 8:48, 9:00, 8:45
890v2: 290M
S: 10M
AM: 7M - 8:45, 8:02, 8:04, 8:01, 8:03, 8:02, 8:13 - Hot and humid. Definitely going to feel it later.
PM: 3M - 9:20, 8:38, 8:27
MR10 (W): 162M
Su: 4M
AM: 2.5M - 9:29, 8:53, 4:29
PM: 1.5M - 9:17, 4:18
890v2: 294M
Week: 50M
I got a little tired by Sunday, but feel good overall. I did calf raises every day, but wanted to take a break from the training we've been working on. 7 weeks is a long time. I think I was getting a little burnt around week 5.
I'm going to just run that work 5K for fun. People at work are pestering me to relax...So I'm going to sign up for a 5K on the 27th.
This week I'm going to work some morning runs in and get back to the light cross training. I'm thinking about doing another week of higher mileage before getting back to speed work the following week.
Does that sound ok? That'll give me four weeks following your suggested maintenance plan.
Sounds like a good plan. If you are getting burnt out, take as much time as you need. That was a pretty difficult block of training you just completed.