Saturday, March 16, 2013

5K Race Week 03/11-03/17

M: 6M
8:46, 8:22, 7:51, 7:46, 7:43, 7:55
MR10 (B): 236M

T: 5.5M
3M 8:51, 8:29, 8:37
2 x 400m @ 1:30/2:00 - 1:17.51, 1:21.55
1 x 800m @ 3:10/3:00 - 1:26.66/1:34 = 3:00.66
2 x 400m @ 1:30/2:00 - 1:27.42, 1:28.37
I kept trying to run closer to 1:30, but I was not on a track for this and I couldn't judge the distance right.
1M 9:34
1400: ?

W: 4M
8:45, 8:20, 8:28, 7:50
MR10( W): 155M

Th: OFF - Stomach was a little off and I had been feeling flush at work all day.

F: 4M
9:10, 8:51, 9:11, 8:49
MR10 (W): 159M

S: 5K Race

3rd place overall male 19:19.057 - My GPS had me at 6:33.76, 6:44, 6:01.36 for 2.95M. I guess the course was measured on the center line of the road because I ran all the tangents.


Week: 23M

I have another 5K to run with work on 04/18. The course has a few hills so I think I need to do hill work over the next few weeks as well as a few longer interval sessions.


  1. Daayyymmnn! Nice race! I'm proud of you. Does it feel like you aren't just running for time anymore. You are actually racing and placing. Judging by your splits, you must have had a pretty good kick at the end. That tells me you can probably still go faster (though times don't always reflect better efforts due to different courses and conditions).

    I think you mentioned a work 5K coming up. Do you plan on doing a few more races in the coming weeks?

    You might try a maintenance racing plan:
    M- 6m easy
    Tu- 1.5m wu, (2x1600 + 1x800) or (4x1K) or (3000+1000) or (1600, 1200, 800, 400), 1m cd
    We- 3m recovery or off
    Th- 5m easy (4x100m strides)
    Fr- 3m easy
    Sat- Race/ of 10m easy
    Sun- 5m easy (+ strides if long run on sat)

  2. I can definitely feel a difference during the race. This race was small so I ran almost the whole thing along after the first mile. The course was also really flat. The 5K next month is really big and the course is somewhat hilly (for Florida anyway) so I expect that to be a harder race. Although, I might be able to draft off people.

    I was thinking this week I could add a lot of longer runs and maybe some doubles. Then next week go back to the intervals and some hill work.

    I haven't looked at all the races going on, but there's a 2-mile and 10K this weekend...

    1. Also, what paces/rests do you suggest for those Tuesday workouts? 6:20 for the 1600m and 3:52 for the 1000m?

  3. Next month's race may also be hotter or more humid. Those paces look good. If you go by feel, the effort should be about like 5K effort. For rests, I would take 2 laps jogging after a 1600, and 1 lap jogging after an 800. You could also slow your pace down a hair, and take shorter rests, like for 4x1K jog 200m for rest (45-60s).

    I think the doubles would be the most beneficial right now. You could easily add 3-4 miles at recovery/easy pace 2 or 3 times a week. The workouts are only 4K, so they shouldn't tax you too much, and 3 or 4 miles at easy pace can be recovered from in 6-8 hours easily. Make any longer or harder runs in the evening to allow a whole nights rest. The doubles really seem to aid in growth hormone production.

  4. Thanks! As always, I appreciate all your coaching. It's made a huge difference. I know I do the work, but I have no idea what to do without your guidance.
