Monday, October 1, 2012

Week 3 1500 Training: 09/24 - 09/30

M: 4M
9:08, 8:08, 8:02, 7:40

890v2: 58M
T: 4M

890v1: 379M
W: 8M

AM: 4M
10:03, 9:05, 9:02, 8:57

890v2: 62M

PM: 4M
8:53, 8:25, 8:34, 8:31

Th: 2M

9:26, 10:00 - Tired

F: 4 x 1000m @ 4:10

WU: 2M
9:30, 8:30

WO: 4:20, 4:03, 3:54, 3:57

CD: 1M

1400: ?

890v2: 61M

S: 3M
9:33, 8:49, 9:00

890v2: 64M

Su: 7M
AM: 3M
8:49, 8:23, 8:32


PM: 5 x 400m @ 1:26

WU: 1.53M
9:04, 4:41

WO: 1:17.26, 1:22.17, 1:23.84, 1:22.73, 1:22.10


CD: 1.5M
0.50 in grass and barefoot 5:08

1M 9:06

890v2: 67M

Week: 33M

Overall last week was good. My workouts were hard because they were a little longer but I felt great after doing them. I did both at tracks. The 1K repeats were at a regular asphalt track in flats. The 400m repeats were on a proper track with spikes.

Thursday I struggled to do 2M because I was really tired. Saturday I did an easy 3M because I was restless. Sunday I was restless so I did my AM run then went and did the PM workout 2 hours later at noon. My Achilles are a little sore up through my Soleus. Not bad, but I can tell I worked hard yesterday.


  1. Impressive week. I would try your best to get in the bands walks, calf drops, sit ups, etc. The speed and length of your workouts is increasing, and its going to be important to exercise your supporting muscles and tendons.

    I'm very encouraged by those interval workouts. I'm still thinking you are on the edge of a pretty big break through. You might want to look for some 5Ks to run (at least one), because I think you would enjoy the results (even though the training is more mile oriented). Let me know if you want to work one in.

  2. Actually, I'm going to enter a 2 mile road race that's on the 14th (morning race). I'm also going to enter a 5K to help a friend at work on the 25th (evening race). This time of year there seem to be a lot of 5Ks in this area.

    I was going to ask you what you thought about that and how I should adjust my schedule.

  3. Week #4
    8-Oct Mo- am: 3m easy
    pm: 1.5m wu, 6x400m in 1:26 ea (2min rest), 1.5m cd
    9-Oct Tu- 4miles recovery (Band Walks, 100 sit-ups, 20 eccentric calf drops ea. leg)
    10-Oct Wd- off
    11-Oct Th- am: 3miles easy
    pm: 1.5m wu, 2x1K in 3:58ea (3min rest), 1 mile cd
    12-Oct Fr- 5 miles recovery pace
    13-Oct Sa- 3 mile easy run
    14-Oct Su- 1 mile wu, 4x100 accelerations, 2mile race, 2m cd

    Week #5
    15-Oct Mo- off
    16-Oct Tu- 4 miles easy (Band Walks, 100 sit-ups, 20 eccentric calf drops ea. leg)
    17-Oct Wd- am: 3miles easy
    pm: 4miles easy
    18-Oct Th- am: 3miles easy
    pm: 1.5m wu, 3x1mile in 6:25ea (5min rest), 1 mile cd
    19-Oct Fr- 5 mile recovery run (Band Walks, Calf Drops, Planks, 40 push ups)
    20-Oct Sa- off
    21-Oct Su- am: 4m easy
    pm: 4m easy (Band Walks, 100 sit-ups, 20 eccentric calf drops ea. leg)

    Week #6
    22-Oct Mo- am: 3m easy
    pm: 1.5m wu, 3x800m in 3:12 ea (2min rest), 1.5m cd
    23-Oct Tu- 4m recovery
    24-Oct Wd- 3m easy
    25-Oct Th- am: 2m easy
    pm: 1m wu, 5K race, 1m cd
    26-Oct Fr- 3m Recovery
    27-Oct Sa- off
    28-Oct Su- am: 4m easy
    pm: 4m easy (Band Walks, 100 sit-ups, 20 eccentric calf drops ea. leg)

    Week #7
    29-Oct Mo- 4 miles easy
    30-Oct Tu-am: 3miles easy
    pm: 1.5m wu, 8x400m in 1:26ea (2min rest), 1 mile cd
    31-Oct Wd- 5 mile recovery run
    1-Nov Th- off
    2-Nov Fr- am - 4 easy
    pm- 4 easy
    3-Nov Sa- am - 3 easy
    pm- 1.5wu, 3x400m in 1:24 ea (2min rest), 1.5m cd
    4-Nov Su- 4m recovery pace

    Week #8
    5-Nov Mo- am: 3m easy
    6-Nov Tu- am: 2m easy
    pm: 1.5m wu, 1 mile TT, 2m cd
