Monday, December 2, 2013

Base Training: 11/25/2013 - 12/01/2013

M: 6M
9:03, 8:41, 8:35, 8:38, 8:30, 8:15 + 5 strides
890v2: 208M

T: 4M
9:05, 8:38, 8:36, 8:33 + light drills

W: 4M
9:04, 8:37, 8:39, 8:26
890v2: 212M

Th: 4M
Battery died so I lost this data. Last I looked I was at 7:35 for the first 2M so I was probably at 8:00ish for the second 2M.
890v3: 392M

F: 4M
8:35, 7:41, 8:05, 7:35 + 5 strides over last 0.40M
890v3: 396M

S: 4M
8:10, 8:07, 8:12, 8:14 - Running with a friend. Big breakfast = terrible feeling run.
890v3: 400M

Su: 4M
8:38, 8:27, 8:29, 8:27
890v2: 216M

Week: 30M

AT is barely there. I forget about it most of the time and its only stiff in the morning and after not moving it for a long time. I don't feel it when running.

I feel fine with the increased miles and think I'll just keep bumping it up unless you think its a bad idea. Although 4M 6 days in a row got boring so I'm going to try to vary things a little. I was just playing it safe.

Hope your Thanksgiving weekend was good and your training is going as planned.


  1. I'm glad the AT is almost gone. Those 4 mile runs can be a little boring, but its a step in the right direction. Keep rolling with whatever feels right, and if you are still feeling good after 2 or 3 more weeks, I think you might be reading for a more focused training block.

    My training is basically on hold. I have only run a few times since the marathon. I think I wore out my muscles by pushing through some serious cramping in the last few miles. I'll start to ease back into things over the next few weeks. My goal for the summer will be to get under 2 in the 800m, and I might go for a 5 or 10K pr this spring.

    Let me know what your running goals are going to be for 2014.

  2. I am thinking about running a 5K for St. Pat's again. My running has been crap lately, but I am running similar paces as I was last year (I believe) and wonder how I will do after 12 months. Its far enough away that I am thinking if I come through December ok we might be able to put an 8-week block together.

    Are you planning to go under 2 in a formal track race?

  3. Nothing formal, I will probably make the effort at an all-comer meet.
