M: 7M
9:07, 8:40, 8:59, 8:28, 8:21, 8:09, 7:54 (5 strides during last 0.50M)
890v2: 195M
9:07, 8:40, 8:59, 8:28, 8:21, 8:09, 7:54 (5 strides during last 0.50M)
890v2: 195M
T: 4M
8:57, 8:15, 8:01, 8:11 + band walks and back extensions - Felt a little IT twinge from running on the right side more to help with my left ankle. Need to pay more attention tovarying the surface angles.
890v3 379M
Th: 7M
Noon - 5/5 for 40:00
PM: 4M - 8:36, 8:11, 8:07, 8:07
890v2: 202M
890v2: 202M
F: 2M
8:45, 8:49
890v3: 381M
Su: 3M
9:14, 8:34, 8:44
890v3: 384M
Week: 23M
Nothing special to report. Everything is still getting better. This week I am aiming at running every day to hit 30 miles and make sure to do strides every other day. If you have any suggestions for how to structure that I'm all ears.
Since I'm going to be back home for a few day do you think there's anything running related I can do on the beach? Barefoot drills or running in soft sand?
I am going to add back band walks and back extensions and keep on doing the calf drops/raises and rolling.
I nabbed this behemoth last week.