M: 9M
AM: 9:17, 8:29, 8:31, 7:56
PM: 9:00, 8:28, 8:26, 7:42, 7:08 (bad time)
890v2: 16M
T: 3M
PM: 9:06, 7:58, 7:51 - I ran the last 0.10 uphill and all out. Started at 7:55 pace and ended at 6:57.
890v3: 291M
W: 3M
AM: 9:30, 8:38, 8:29
890v2: 19M
F: 4M
AM: 9:32, 8:45, 8:32, 8:18
890v3: 295M
S: 6M
PM: 8:58, 8:40, 8:33, 8:33, 8:25, 8:24
890v3: 301M
Su: 2M + 3 x 200m
AM: 9:18, 8:26
3 x 200M: 33.97 (0.126m), 35.08 (0.123m), 35.89 (0.125m) - Hand timed. First felt fine, second was a bit tough, and the third felt super easy. It was 80* and 91% humidity. I lost 5 pounds and was sweating like I had a faucet turned on over my head. I was breathing heavy and my legs definitely felt the work but I felt good. I walked a couple miles to cool down. I intended to run again at night to round out at 30 but it didn't work out.
MR10 (W): 200M
Week: 27M
Feeling good. A little sore this morning and tired from the heat.
Nice work. It looks like you are getting your mojo back. I am excited for your next build up. The bigger the base you can get in this time around the better. With a nice base, I think you can get in a fun training cycle with a lot of variety in it.