Monday, September 30, 2013

Base Training 09/23 - 09/29

M: 5/5 - 40:00
AM: 2M - 9:17, 8:47 - I switched shoes to see which felt best.
890v2: 350M
MT110: 74M

PM: 0.60 (8:27), 0.56 (8:49), 0.57 (8:49), 0.59 (8:27)
890v3: 353M

T: 5/5 - 40:00
0.58 (8:42), 0.61 (8:06), 0.63 (8:00), 0.68 (7:30)
MT110: 77M

W: 5/5 - 50:00
0.5 (9:14), 0.64 (7:54), 0.75 (6:40), 0.71 (7:09), 0.63 (7:54) -  This run felt really good. There was a little down hill for the 3rd rep, but this really felt good.
MT110: 81M

Th: 5/5 - 40:00
0.51 (9:41), 0.51 (9:41), 0.47 (10:32), 0.48 (10:21) - I did this with a couple ladies at work. Between them and rain it got cut short.
MT110: 84M

F: 5/5 - 40:00
0.55 (9:22), 0.60 (8:20), 0.62 (8:27), 0.59 (8:27)
MT110: 87M

S: 5/5 - 40:00
0.54 (9:14), 0.57 (8:49), 0.68 (8:34), 0.61 (8:27) - I ran this in my 890s and my left foot/ankle didn't feel as good as earlier this week. I am wondering if running in the 890s so much this spring is part of this problem. Last year I was diligent about rotating through a lot of different styles of shoes and never had a problem that lasted this long.

The only thing comparable is when I got a little gimpy when I ran in the Brooks Cadence 2 and Connect 2...I wonder if this is a flare up of that...The Cadence made my peroneal sore and I got tight calves in the Connects.
890v2: 152M



Overall everything is feeling a lot better. After the first rep I feel really lose and my form feels solid. My calves were a little tight all week from the MT110s, but I expected that.

I picked this book up. Any experience with it?

Last year I read this and thought it helped me during the hard, middle miles of tempos and my race.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Base Training 09/16 - 09/22

M-Su - Off

I ran a little (2 miles) this morning to see how everything felt. Achilles still had a little tightness/pressure but no pain. It just felt like something was pressing into my Achilles.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Base Training: 09/09 - 09/15

M: 12M
AM - 7M - 9:13, 9:10, 8:46, 8:40, 8:27, 8:05, 8:13
890v2: 148M

PM - 5M - 8:47, 8:29, 8:00, 7:49, 8:22
MT110: 73M

T - Su: OFF

Week: 12M

Monday, September 9, 2013

Base Training: 09/02 - 09/08

M: 11M
AM: 5M - 9:32, 8:38, 8:44, 8:28, 8:15 - Confused my distances and did PM distance.
MT110: 68M

PM: 6M - 9:27, 9:13, 8:56, 8:49, 9:02, 9:00
890v2: 139M

T - F: OFF

S: 7M
9:28, 8:50, 8:54 - Stopped to stretch - 8:30, 8:27, 8:09, 7:05 - My Achilles was pretty tight during the first part of this. After stretching it was good.


Week: 18M

After you mentioned me taking some time off at the end of the month I started thinking more about my left ankle/Achilles. I had been trying to run through this and it was getting a little better, but I got worried it would become a chronic injury because it had been lingering for so long. So, I decided to take a few days now instead of waiting.

I used the PF splint as often as I could during the day and over night, and it really helped. I also did a lot of deep massage and rolling. The Saturday run felt good over all and my 7M this morning was great. I still stopped a couple times do some massage just to be careful, but overall the 4 extra days off really made a difference.

I have notice that my ankle/Achilles feels better at my faster paces.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Base Training: 08/26 - 09/01

M: 5M
9:17, 8:41, 8:44, 8:48, 8:48 - I got the schedule late so I couldn't double. Planned to do the AM 5M Sunday.
890v2: 116M

T: 6M
9:17, 8:33, 8:30, 8:05, 7:48, 8:01 + 4 x 0:15 striders
890v2: 122M

W; 4M
9:51, 8:40, 9:08, 8:36
MT110: 63M

Th: 7M
8:46, 8:41, 8:33, 8:30, 8:16, 8:02, 7:59
890v3: 340M

F: 3M
9:37, 8:43, 8:56
890v2: 125M

S: 2M
9:06, 8:39 - Got chased home by a bad thunderstorm.
890v3: 342M

Su: 8M
9:30, 8:40, 8:41, 8:46, 8:26, 8:22, 8:09, 8:23 - This did not work out well. 1) I got a bad piece of lettuce in my salad last night so I had a few pit stops to make. 2) The pit stops left me totally empty and dehydrated. 3) I was running in the late morning and the heat was brutal.
890v2: 133M

Week: 33M

My left ankle is still tight and sore in the mornings. It loosens up and is good during the day. I'm still doing a lot of calf raises for the Achilles, and am thinking about getting a PF splint to sleep in. I've noticed that holding it in that dorsiflexed position helps.

Ignoring the Friday's rain and Sunday's debacle, this week went well. I was a little tired from being sick last weekend, but it worked its way out by the first mile each run.